7th Summer School in Numismatics 2015 (10 August - 21 August 2015) for early stage researchers
Foto: Kristina Klein, Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Wien
Back row from left to right: Ylva Haidenthaller, Reinhard Wolters, Elke List, Simeon Tzonev, Marc Philipp Wahl, Felix Böttcher, Martin Baer, Andrea Casoli, Volker Heuchert, Hubert Emmerig
Front row from left to right: Alexandra Hylla, Nina Fenn, Natalie Schlirf, Hülya Vidin, Mareike Tonisch, Hristina Ivanova, Claudia Böschel
From 10 August to 21 August 2015, the Department of Numismatics and Monetary History organised their seventh summer school with the motto “Ein Numismatischer Sommer in Wien” (a numismatic summer in Vienna). Following a well-established routine, the school of 2015 targeted advanced students and academics: The target audience were doctoral candidates, Magister programme students and young academics from all degree programmes relating to historical and cultural studies in a wider sense, who were dealing with numismatic questions in their research, or who hoped to gain valuable additional insights into the field of numismatics.
The school focused on the topic of numismatics and monetary history in its entire thematic and methodological variety, from antiquity to the modern period, as well as from Europe to the Orient and from coins to paper money and medals. The school offered individual assistance to its participants, but also wanted to provide a forum, where it was possible to discuss and test newer issues in research, methodological questions – not only related to numismatics – and possibilities of interdisciplinary and epoch-spanning work.
You can find the programme of the 7th Summer School in Numismatics here.