Study and research in Vienna (Incoming)
The department for numismatics and monetary history has two Erasmus Bilateral Agreements with German universities. Students from Munich and Tubingen are welcome to come to Vienna and to study for one or two semesters at our department. Teaching covers numismatics and the history of money through all periods from ancient to modern times, including medals. Working with original objects is a central part of our courses. However, it is possible to attend courses at the Department of Ancient History, Papyrology and Epigraphy as well as at the Institute of Austrian Historical Research, which are both dealing with sources, too.
Study and research abroad (Outgoing)
The Department of Numismatics and Monetary History has bilateral Erasmus agreements with two German universities. Th¬is allows students from our Department to study at one of these partner universities for one or two se¬mesters and re¬ceive a scholar¬ship in the framework of the European Community’s Erasmus mobility scheme. For students who specialise in ancient numismatics or Islamic numismatics, we recommend a study visit to Tübingen, Germany. For students who specialise in medieval numismatics or modern numismatics, we recommend a study visit to Munich, Germany.
The Erasmus mobility sch¬eme also awards scholarships for internships abroad. In this case, students do not have to sign an agreement with a university. They can choose their internship freely, but have to organise it themselves. It is possible to receive financial su-pport for an internship. The only prerequisites are that the internship lasts between two and twelve months and is of academic relevance to the degree programme. For more information, please click here:
Our Department’s Erasmus coordinator provides advice about the Erasmus mobility scheme for students from Vienna and abroad. Feel free to contact Prof. Dr. Reinhard Wolters via e-mail.
If there are any questions please contact the Erasmus coordinator via e-mail:
Erasmus coordinator of the Department of Numismatics and Monetary History
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Woytek
Institut für Numismatik und Geldgeschichte
Universität Wien
Franz Klein-Gasse 1
A-1190 Wien
T: (+43) 01-4277-40703
For information about the range of Erasmus/Lifelong Learning programmes as well as contact persons at the University, please visit the website of the
International Office