Extension curricula for bachelor's students

Preliminary note:

The new bachelor's programme lasts six semesters and requires you to complete courses in the extent of 180 ECTS credits.

The major requires you to complete courses in the extent of 120 ECTS credits, leaving 60 ECTS credits for the completion of extension curricula (previously called minors). You may select extension curricula focusing on numismatics. We offer two thematic extension curricula and one practice-oriented extension curriculum, comprising 15 ECTS credit points each (45 in total): 

Numismatik und Geldgeschichte: Antike (numismatics of classical antiquity) 

(2 semesters, comprising 8 hours per week per semester in total; always starts in the summer semester) 
Further information at Teaching Affairs and Student Services.

Numismatik und Geldgeschichte: Mittelalter und Neuzeit (numismatics of the Middle Ages and the modern period)

(2 semesters, comprising 8 hours per week per semester in total; always starts in the winter semester)
Further information at Teaching Affairs and Student Services.

As soon as you have completed one course from one of these two extension curricula, you can register for the following extension curriculum:

Numismatische Praxis und Vertiefung (numismatic practice and specialisation)

(1 semester, comprising 7 hours per week per semester in total; can be started in any semester)

The new extension curriculum „Numismatik in Praxis und Beruf“ is directed at bachelor’s students who have already started their studies on a numismatic extension curriculum and would like to deepen their practical and theoretical competences.

For further information please contact Teaching Affairs and Student Services: "Numismatische Praxis und Vertiefung". 

For further information please contact Teaching Affairs and Student Services: "Numismatik in Praxis und Beruf".