Department of Numismatics and Monetary History
1st row: Lilia Dergaciova, Elmar Fröschl, Max Resch, Hubert Emmerig
2nd row: Manfredi Zanin, Petra Vonmetz, Reinhard Wolters, Marc Philipp Wahl, Julian Tielsch
3rd row: David Weidgenannt, Benedikt Prokisch, Vanessa Zumtobel, Markus Greif
The Department of Numismatics and Monetary History at the University of Vienna is the only autonomous university department of this orientation in Europe. At the same time, it is the only place where it is possible to study the subject of numismatics and monetary history in its full methodological and technical variety, covering all eras from antiquity to the modern period. Due to its expertise on coins, medals, monetary symbols and monetary equivalents covering all periods and cultures, as well as the associated political, economic, social and cultural questions, the field of numismatics and monetary history is firmly established in numerous key research areas of the Faculty. Furthermore, it significantly contributes to the basic research profile of the University of Vienna, especially in the fields of classical studies and medieval research. The range of courses extends from extension curricula for students in bachelor’s programmes to a doctoral programme in numismatics. The Department offers around 30 hours of numismatic teaching per week, and provides various networking opportunities, as well as useful complimentary courses for almost all degree programmes.
Through its extensive study collection, specialised library, catalogue collection and the “Numismatische Zentralkartei” (NZK, numismatic central catalogue) – including around 1.5 million coins documented in photographs - the Department offers working opportunities that are unique in the world and that international academics regularly make use of. The Department has an extensive national and international network with all institutions working in the field of numismatics – not least through its graduates. In many ways, the Department’s influence extends beyond the University and academia. The Department regularly offers summer schools that are targeted at international early stage researchers.