Poster collection

Over the past two decades, the Department has compiled a collection of posters on numismatics. Most of them are posters announcing exhibitions of coins, medals and decorations. However, the collection also contains posters advertising conferences, lecture series or coin fairs. In addition to these event posters, the collection comprises posters presenting new banknotes or the new euro coins to the public.

Naturally, many of the posters are from Austria, but the collection also includes various posters from Bavaria. Moreover, the collection comprises some posters from the rest of Germany, the former GDR and Hungary.

So far, this comprehensive collection has not been categorised or recorded systematically. However, we hope for this to happen in the near future in the framework of an internship or a voluntary service. Posters are stored in a plan cabinet, donated by the Department of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Archaeology several years ago.

We would like to expand this collection. Therefore, we gladly accept old as well as new posters on numismatic topics. However, posters should be no larger than DIN A1 (circa 60 x 90 cm), as we have no opportunity to store larger posters properly.

Hubert Emmerig


Dresden: Albertinum (Berlin: Haus der ungarischen Kultur / Dresden: Münzkabinett der Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen). Zeitgenössische ungarische Medaillenkunst. 1984.

Gerersdorf: Freilichtmuseum. Helmut Zobl – Prägungen. 2005.

Meissen: Stadt- und Kreismuseum / (mit Dresden: Kulturbund der DDR, Gesellschaft für Heimatgeschichte, Bezirksfachausschuss Numismatik Dresden). Münzausstellung. 1983.

Steyr: Museum der Stadt. Hans Köttenstorfer. Meister der Medaille – Das Lebenswerk. 1998.

Fotos: Kristina Klein, Institut für Klassische Archäologie der Universität Wien.